For the Doggie Different

Your pet is in good hands with a team of professional groomers, trainers, and care takers at Paws Plaza. 1416 4th St Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 820-7529

Home Remedies for Anxious Dogs

  • White Noise
Use a fan, white noise machine, or radio to distract your dog from startling noises. Try playing classical music—it’s known to have a relaxing effect.
  • Check Your Stress Level
Dogs are sensitive creatures and your anxiety can increase their anxiety. Try yoga or other relaxation techniques to decompress and find your own inner calm.
  • Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!
A tired dog is a happy dog. Plus, exercise releases serotonin, a feel-good chemical that we humans also get when we work out.
  • Give Your Dog a Massage
Giving your dog a ten-minute massage every day can help relax your four-legged friend, and is a great way to bond. There are many different techniques you can try. Just remember to be gentle and make sure your pet enjoys it.