For the Doggie Different

Your pet is in good hands with a team of professional groomers, trainers, and care takers at Paws Plaza. 1416 4th St Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 820-7529

Puppy School at Paws Plaza

The first 4 months of a puppy’s life is what is called their ‘critical period’. This is the time in which a young dog is most impressionable and may determine what temperament they have as an adult.
Do you want a dog that can easily adapt to many situation?

A well trained dog can walk off leash, attend a friends BBQ, play at the dog park, ride quietly in the car, fetch and return a ball, sleep under your table at a leisurely brunch or fly on an airplane, greeting new people and dogs in a calm friendly way in a skill that is taught.
Let’s get started… the earlier the better!

Puppy School is a unique opportunity to introduce your puppy to a whole new world, ensuring they learn all the necessary skills to grow into a balanced and fulfilled adult dog.

Our 4-week puppy Partnership Program 

Our philosophy on puppy rearing:
In order to help your raise your “dreamy dog” we need to spend time doing a huge variety of activities and exposures with your puppy.
Our package price is all inclusive. During the 4 weeks of prepaid training here are just a few of life skills:
  • Bathing / Brushings / Nail trimming
  • Crate training
  • Leash walks @ Plaza + Mall + Your neighborhood
  • Dog / Dog greetings
  • People greetings
  • Sit, down, stay, go to place, wait and come, drop and leave it
  • Fetch and tag of war play skills
  • Car trips
  • Distraction and calming trainings
  • Stand still for getting dremmed or check up
  • Sleep over with our trainers to learn separation skills
We will give your puppy ONE ON ONE experiences every day with a trainer.
Our flat one month fee covers the following:
  • Daycare
  • Puppy class with you
  • Grooming
  • Overnight stays
  • Trainers sessions daily
  • Client consultations on all subjects (feeding, house training etc)
  • Jumping, mouthing, general care and health
  • Private sessions with you – Specifically designed to reach your training goals (1 – 2 hour session per 4 week course)

$1,000 per month (4 weeks) Puppy Partnership Program

Bring your puppy to Paws Plaza as often as you like – daycare, overnights, grooming and training available all week – all month for one price.