For the Doggie Different

Your pet is in good hands with a team of professional groomers, trainers, and care takers at Paws Plaza. 1416 4th St Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 820-7529

Alternatives to the Classic ‘Cone of Shame’

Looking for post-surgery options more comfortable than the plain old plastic cone of shame? We’ve got some great options for your dog.

If your dog has a surgery scheduled or suffers from hot spots, you may be frustrated with the plain old Elizabethan collar from your local vet. The cone of shame certainly gets the job done, but sleeping, eating, drinking, and just generally being a dog can be tough while wearing a giant white lampshade. As if healing up from an injury wasn’t painful enough, right?

Soft collars, neck braces, and even onesies may help make your pet comfortable as she heals. Just make sure your cone alternative adequately protects the injury site, and that your dog can’t sneak out of it when you aren’t looking. And don’t forget that even when wearing the cone, dogs need supervision after surgery. So book an experienced pet sitter or find a dog lover to drop by during the day if you can’t be around to monitor.

Now, on to our cone of shame alternatives! Click here.